Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I Condemn....

First and foremost, I condemn the parents who couldn't and wouldn't look after their young ones and leave them alone to fend for themselves. The street is not a place for children and even though they couldn't afford to give their child a better place to live. It is no excuse for them, not to look over their child and protect them against the ever lurking danger. I condemn the government, whose obsession in the exacting taxes from the citizenry to the extent of extortion but somehow manage to consistently mismanage the economy and waste the valuable resources given to them. For jobs are scarce even to those who are willing to work and some of these people live under a roof made out of sack with no walls and located on the sidewalk. The money earnmark for the poor always seem to manage to end up in the pockets of wealthy politicians. I condemn the passersby who couldn't lend a helping hand when help is needed and only manage to surround the victim when accidents happen and pity the latter and debate on who is at fault except them. They are the perennial "uzicerro". I condemn the cynical world, who could express anger and indignation and wonder out loud, "how could such horrible thing happen in this world?" and then turn their head, have their sumptous meal and go on as if nothing has happened or that it was just a bad movie. Lastly, I condemn myself for being part of the cynical world. I condemn everybody but did nothing to change the world. I condemn myself for shrinking myself to become infestissimally insignificant when in fact I had the power no inferior to anybody and equal to every man to change the world but I just didn't. A 5 year old boy's place is in the playground amongst his friend and not alone, beneath the tire of the back wheel of an 18 wheeler trailer truck laying in the pool of his own blood with his brain scattered in the pavement. This tradegy could have been avoided if only..................

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