Saturday, January 21, 2006

I am Atlas

My real name of course is not Atlas. Atlas is my cyber name, a name that I adopted to distinguish who I am from others in the digital world as well as reflect the kind of person that I am. Parents gave us name when we were born reflecting their desire of what we should be in our future as well as denote their expectations and their dream of us. Having my “own” name, in other words, reflects my “own” expectations, my “own” dream, and my “own” desire of what I am and what I should become. If so, of all the names that I could adopt, why Atlas? Well, to start with, Atlas is the Greek mythical being that carried the world on his shoulder. He is the one responsible for maintaining the world in order and not allowing it to "plunge" to oblivion. Though, I couldn’t carry the weight of the world on my shoulder by myself but I nonetheless, am willing to do my share in “carrying” it. Confucius once said, “The role of a gentlemen is to concern with the problems of society and carry its burden, however heavy till their demise, however long is it’s span.” I’m just a good student of the master and not a great humanist. At any rate, I believe that I could do my share in “carrying” the burden of society by sharing my thoughts however inconsequential to those who needs them and is willing to listen. To paraphrase Plato in his “Allegory of the cave”, a “liberated” man who have climb out of the dark cave and have seen the light, would feel that he should share this with “others” who are still left behind in the depths of the cave and for this reason, the liberated man who descend into the cave and guide those who are willing to see the light out of the cave and set them free. I don’t claim to have seen the light but I felt that I have a better “vision” than others and have seen things clearer than some and therefore, I felt nonetheless obliged to “show others” what the cave looks like for those who have difficulty seeing in the dark. It is for these reasons, that I adopted the name and created this blog.

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