Socrates once said that we had to "know thyself" in order to live a full and meaningful life. I subscribe to that idea when I was in college. I would write down in a notebook my thoughts, my views as well as other peoples' view about life and the world whenever it pop up. As time pass by, I realize that I became the reflection of my thoughts and this has shaped my life, and showed me some facets of truth. I'm quite reluctant to share my thoughts with anyone as this are personal but I also came to realize that there are a lot of people out there who are simply clueless. Either they never thought about it or they never want to think about it. At any rate, I just want to share some of my thoughts and hopefully that these thoughts could help shape their lives. I'm not trying to be somebody that I can't be. I'm just an ordinary joe who wants to do my share for humanity's sake.
Here are some of my thoughts that I have written lately that I wanted to share.
- Life doesn't wait for anyone. Take charge and siege the day.
- Life today isn't an abrupt jump from yesterday but the summation of the gradual accumulation of evolutionary changes that happen in the past.
- Love is all hype and overated. When you are with someone you love, 80% of the time you are miserable while 20% of the time you're happy. But somehow the relatively short period of happiness outweighs the miserable 80% and made it more tolerable and even worthwhile.
- Life is like a conveyor. It brings you there when you least expected regardless if you're ready or not. Regardless if you wanted to or not. You have no choice but to face it whether you have a plan or not. We had to make a choice and react even if it lack finesse. However, we still have a choice on which conveyor belt we want to be in.
- History repeats itself. It has repeated itself. It is repeating itself as we speak and it will keep repeating itself if we don't heed the lessons of history.
to be continued...........